Covid Recovery: Fancy Color Diamond Prices Keep Rising
November 08, 21
(IDEX Online) - Prices of fancy color diamonds kept rising in Q3 - up 0.7 per cent as the market recovered from the pandemic.
The rate of increase is accelerating, according to the Fancy Color Diamond Index (FCDI): The Q2 rise was 0.2 per cent and Q1 was 0.3 per cent.
No figures were produced for Q1 and Q2 of 2020 because business was too slow to yield sufficient data.
Blue diamonds showed an average rise through the quarter of 0.8%, followed by pinks (0.7 per cent) and yellows (0.6 per cent).
Among blue diamonds, fancy vivids showed the biggest increases, with 8-cts up 2.0 per cent, 5-cts up by 1.9 per cent and 1-cts up by 1.5 per cent.
"This increase was actually expected, as fancy color prices were too low for too long. In my opinion, most colors will keep increasing in price over the next two years, especially the yellow category in all grades," said Eden Rachminov, of the Fancy Color Research Foundation's advisory board.
Prices for all sizes and intensities of fancy color pinks and yellows have remained largely flat since 2014 after five years of steady growth. Blues kept rising until 2019 and had been mostly static since then.